PS:不喜欢玩网上的, 喜欢真正上TABLE的, 平时玩时也是.作者: POKER1 时间: 2009-10-7 01:53
如果你去喜欢玩 cash game 的话, 去casino , 会见到我,我叫 eric 还有 tim 我们一般都在200-500 的桌子上。 可以交流交流作者: buttonzhu 时间: 2009-10-7 09:05
Sorry, can not type Chinese in the office. Do you go there often?
I have not been there for about 2 months since I was busy on some other things. However, I am not a super fan for cash game because I would like to see the number of players keep decreasing with the game running.... :)
Anyway, will come to yield u guys one day.
2#POKER1作者: jiangyinlike 时间: 2009-10-7 09:38
和你交流,不等于就是送钱给你。。。作者: buttonzhu 时间: 2009-10-7 09:50
haha, We can just use toy chips, don't need to play real money.
4#jiangyinlike作者: 啊啊困了 时间: 2009-10-7 12:12
有玩的叫我啊。。。。作者: SdFrEE 时间: 2009-10-7 20:27
呵呵,我也很喜欢poker,有空交流下作者: Brlsbane 时间: 2009-10-11 18:16
要来可以找我的朋友。。天天在家玩的,连POKER TABLE都买了一张在家。。。交流交流。。住南区比较方便。因为一般晚上9点开始到早上7点。。。作者: buttonzhu 时间: 2009-10-12 13:28
9 to 7........ I need to work next day... buddy...