不好意思本人就是这素质,要不老是张口就带F呢,我不喜欢别人给我上课,还列出个1,2,3。 也许我没把事情的经过写的很清楚,如果因为这个你们理解出问题的话,我道歉,要是站着说话不嫌腰疼,想当道德卫士,铁肩担 ...
FBI 发表于 2009-11-26 21:50 ![]()
我明白你的意思,只是骂人不一定要带脏字的。。 我楼上的也是个racist,上次见有个水瓶在garage的地上, 就写了张纸条包着给我扔到了我的车库里,上面写着 "in australia we put out our rubbish in bins which are collected weekly;
should you choose to use another means of disposal
maybe you should reconsider your place of residence?
And shut that kid up" 我看了当场就很火大,但是我没立即发火, 回到家我自己写了一段,把她写的一起copy,寄给我这个complex所有的住客, 一共连我们有五个吧。。 我是这么写的: To the individual who threw a water bottle with an attached note (Please see Attachment 1) into my garage, here is what I have to say:
In U.S.A and other CIVILIZED countries, we learn how to respect people other than our own races, and we also won’t be wrongfully accusing others, unless with a solid evidence; I am sure that they do the same thing here in Australia; unfortunately, I can see that part of education is missing in some bigoted, vulgar individual’s behaviors, which are a pitiful thing for Australia;
Being older does not guarantee being smarter, and here we have a perfect case;
My kid is perfectly behaved under his AGE GROUP, since when Australia does not allow kids to cry especially when that particular kid is in pain? Pounding on the floor every time when he cries does not solve the issues, BTW, I should be awfully thankful that my ceiling is still incredibly rock-solid.
Compromising is the first thing one should learn when living in a unit, taking your anger towards an innocent three year-old is an unacceptably boorish behavior, in any parts of the world.
For my other beloved neighbors in the premise, this is just for your information only…
这样的话,其他住客就知道她是一个多没水准的,多没教养的一个人了。。 我和她的分别就在这里了。。