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    [留学类] 2010年1月1日移民法改变,TRA评估引入工作能力测试









    Rank: 39Rank: 39Rank: 39Rank: 39Rank: 39Rank: 39

    画心 发表于 2009-12-20 22:19:48
    4486 0


    DIAC has made some significant changes to the law which start on the 1st January 2010. They are significant amendments and not enough time has been given by DIAC to ensure students are informed before they lodge their GSM applications.
    从2010年1月1日起,移民法改变了一般技术移民申请基本条件,尤其是针对TAFE的学生。 Please pay close attention to the information below. www.6park.com 1)You must have a positive skill assessment before you can lodge a 487, 885 or 886 visa. Currently you can apply for the visa with evidence showing you have applied for your skill assessment and you can supply the result later. Under the new rules you MUST have the result first before you can apply.
    2)If you are nominating an occupation listed by the DIAC (trade occupations) then you must have a skill assessment result which has been assessed after the 1st January 2010 (see TRA changes below).
    如果你提名技工职业,你必须拥有2010年1月1日后申请的新的技术评估结果 www.6park.com For trade applicants this will mean that you cannot apply for your permanent residency without passing the new TRA rules for skill assessment which begin on the 1st January 2010 . If you have an old TRA assessment for your occupation you will be able to use it for the 485 Graduate visa but not for the PR visas or the 487 Regional Skilled visa. www.6park.com 作为技工职业,你可以用1月1日前的评估结果来申请485签证,如果你想申请永久居民签证或者487偏远地区技术移民,你必须拥有2010年1月 1日 以后的新的评估结果
    TRA Changes 1st January 2010.
    TRA has announced this morning new changes to take affect from the 1st January 2010 .
    Changes for applicants applying within Australia for skills assessments for General Skilled Migration on or after 1 January 2010
    2010年1月1日针对澳洲境内一般技术移民职业评估规则改变, www.6park.com On 12 May 2009 , the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship announced changes to the General Skilled Migration Program (GSM) for applicants within Australia seeking permanent migration through this program.
    As a result, from 1 January 2010 , Trades Recognition Australia will introduce the Job Ready Program. This is a new skills assessment requirement to ensure that people with trade skills applying to migrate permanently to Australia have the language and skills required by Australian employers to participate effectively in their trade in the Australian labour market.
    We will be providing more detailed information on the Job Ready Program on this website early in the New Year.
    Link:http://www.deewr.gov.au/Skills/P ... rAusApplicants.aspx We called TRA today to ask the following important questions; www.6park.com
    Q: Will the TRA continue to process applications under the old rules lodged before the 1st January?
    A: We don't know yet. It is possible all these applications yet to be assessed will be sent back unassessed or we may continue to process them.
    Q: What is the information available regarding the new Trade Test?
    A: We do not know yet for that is up to the Minister to decide.
    So you can see here by these responses that it seems TRA doesn't know what it is actually doing until some later date in the future.
    So what does this mean for my TRA application I was about to lodge?
    It was not unexpected that DIAC was going to enforce the Trade Test into the skill assessment procedure necessary for permanent residency. On the basis of the above information I can only advise the following
    a)If you are able to lodge your PR application and your lodge your TRA application before the end of this year, I suggest you do so. Remember before the end of this year you only have to show you sent the TRA application; you do not need the final result.
    b)Try and lodge your TRA application before the end of the year even if you are not ready for your visa application until later. It will still be likely you will be able to use this TRA result for a 485 application at a later date.
    c)If you are going to use voluntary work experience for your 900 hours then also lodge your TRA application before the end of this year if you can

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