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[Brisbane] How to pick up chicks (ZT)









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FBI 发表于 2009-4-28 15:19:30
1845 1


Good Tips for All Boys (Married, Unmarried, Single, Unsingle and De Facto)The art of how to pick up girls is not difficult; all you need to do is get a good grip beneath their shoulders and lift. I think even if it was this easy, most guys still wouldn’t be able to do it because of all the mental blocks they have: “What if I lift her and she thinks I’m ugly? What if I lift her and then I don’t know where to take her? What if there’s another guy who just lifted her recently and he’s a better lifter?” Now when you consider that most guys are scared to death about talking to a strange woman, you have a recipe for disaster. Fear not, there is hope.
It is possible to learn how to attract and pick up women even if you have never done it before. Sometimes it requires little adjustments to your personality, sometimes big ones. Regardless, starting from any skill level, you can go from “not being able to talk to a girl” to being very successful with women in a short period of time by following some key concepts. One of the best places to start is to hang out with men whom are successful with women. By observation, osmosis and asking key questions, you can improve your skill quite rapidly. If you don’t have the opportunity to hang out with successful men, then the next best thing is to read books by men whom are very successful with women. They will give you the theory, the techniques and open your eyes to things that previously seemed impossible. Allow me a blatant plug, but read “Double Your Dating” by David DeAngelo and it will change your life.
Concept 1 : When picking up a girl, you must be detached from the outcome.
If you care about what the girl thinks of you, you are destined to fail. Let’s face it, there are going to be many girls that you are just not compatible with. Many of them just won’t live up to your expectations and you won’t live up to many of theirs. You must get over this and not care if you succeed or get rejected. If you care, then you will do everything you can NOT to screw up, and consequently, this makes you screw up.
Concept 2: When picking up a girl, YOU are choosing her.
When you talk to someone for the first time, you must realize that there’s a reason that you are talking to them. If you’re talking to a woman for the first time, it’s likely that she already knows you’re trying to pick her up. Many guys have tried to pick her up before and many will in the future. This does not mean that she decides if she will accept your approach or not. When you go shopping for a car, you might walk into a dealership, but does that mean that you will purchase the car? No way! The only way you’re going purchase the car is if it’s a good investment and the salesman is competent. The same applies to dating. When you go out and you meet a girl, keep in mind that YOU won’t take her home unless you like her.
Concept 3: Be happy, enjoy what you do and she will too.
Many guys approach this as a horrifying experience when in reality, it should really be a pleasurable one. If your objective is to find out what kind of person this girl is and then make her smile, then you’re likely to have many good and enjoyable interactions. If you try to “win” by picking her up, you’re doomed for failure. Most of the time, the best pick ups are when you aren’t even trying.
Concept 4: No immediate compliments!
What ever you do, do NOT compliment her on her looks. Paying attention to detail is good, but as soon as you mention her physical appearance, things start to turn ugly. If anything, you can mention her clothing, accessories or anything out of the ordinary, but do NOT mention her appearance. Even if she has the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen, refrain from mentioning it. You can tell her later… much later.
Concept 5: Building attraction immediately
In order to build attraction, you must be able to convey signs of a good and desirable mate. These will naturally be present in men whom workout often and are already successful with women. However, what if you don’t have time to work out often and you aren’t already successful with women ? Well these are traits that you can LEARN from other men. After a while, they will become part of you and you won’t even have to think of them. Honestly, the best way to learn them is to hang around men that are successful. Otherwise, if you don’t have that opportunity and you still want to learn how to pick up girls, I strongly recommend reading the book Double Your Dating as it will give you all the keys to creating massive attraction instantly.

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fisk 发表于 2009-4-29 19:19:16
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