本帖最后由 windrider 于 2010-11-1 14:32 编辑
Following the success of our New York, Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland studios, Dreamlife Photos & Video is pleased to announce the opening of its sixth studio, here in the sunshine state of Queensland. As the latest addition to the Dreamlife family, Dreamlife Brisbane can be found in a purposely built studio only minutes away from the city, in the creative hub of Newstead. Dreamlife Photos & Video is an internationally acclaimed company and multi-award winner in photography, cinematography and customer service.
As with all of our operations, Dreamlife Brisbane actively seeks to recruit talented full and part-time photographers, cinematographers and makeup artists. We invite those of you with an interest in photography/cinematography/makeup artistry to put forward your application for roles begining in 2011. We ask that you submit and attach 10 images from portfolio for photography/makeup artistry or 3 online-hosted video clips, along with a cover letter and your available time slots.
Mandatory requirements:
- Fluent English and sound communication skills (Applies to all)
- Drivers license and motor vehicle (Applies to Photographers/Cinematographers)
- Professional cameras, lenses, lighting and accessories (Applies to Photographers/Cinematographers)
- Eagerness to learn and improve (Applies to all)
Please kindly direct all enquires and applications to [email protected] (English)
OZYOYO提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。
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