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[招聘兼职] CPA会计事务所实习招聘









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platinum 发表于 2014-4-14 17:17:01
29489 18


本帖最后由 platinum 于 2015-8-10 13:32 编辑

作为CPA会计事务所, PlatinumAccounting 现招收会计实习生, 帮助未来的会计师大展鸿途。我们的目的是帮助会计人提高专业技能开始你们的会计事业。我们专注于实战经验,你不需要担心理论知识。我们的实习将会填补大学会计教育只注重理论忽略日常实际会计应用的缺憾。我们将会帮助你领入会计实际应用的大门。
- 那些拥有海外会计工作经验但缺乏澳洲工作经验的新移民
- 希望在会计领域大展拳脚但苦于没有相关会计经验的会计专业毕业生们
- 正在学习会计专业希望增加实际工作经验以便将来更容易找到会计工作的同学们
- 正在从事会计工作的,但想提高会计技能,有更多升职加薪机会的人
2.面试流程及面试技巧分析- 我们为学员提供最完善、最切合实际工作、受益终生的就业培训。
3.CPA会计事务所实习经验- 我们事务所将提供至少2个季度的简单及复杂真实账目操作实习,月末年末调账,零用账,为公司年末退税做准备相关报表,详细讲解本地化的会计知识、流程和习惯,进入会计领域的必备技能,流行软件的使用,掌握会计整个业务流程。
4.熟练的会计软件应用技能- MYOB,XERO
5.3-6个月会计事务所实习经验证明 - 实习结束,我们会有根据每个学生的实习情况,给出Feedback,并出具相应工作经验reference,以帮助尽快找到工作。
6.欢迎中小企业业主参加-完成培训的同时,如使用你自己的MYOB file,完成会计工作
7.参加培训的朋友 - 享受低价退税,财务规划服务优惠
8.免费推荐优秀的实习生 – 我们与众多人力资源公司,移民中介及房地产等公司有着紧密合作关系,为学员提供就业机会,这一点对培训后学生找工作起到事半功倍的效果,进一步帮助学员缩短找工就业时间。
你将会由 CPAqualified accountants 教给你企业会计所需要的全部技能。我们的 Accountants 均具有在澳洲上市公司及中小型企业签约税务会计经验。我们的 Financial Accountant, Management Accountant, FinancialController 的经验可以为你在求职过程中提供宝贵的第一手信息。
-  会计入门简介(AccountingFunction Brief)
- 应收/应付(Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable)
- 内部银行对账(Internal Bank Reconciliations)
- 信用卡对账及总分类账对账(Credit Card Reconcilition and GL Reconciliation)
- BAS对账/支付(BASReconciliation/Payment)
- 工资,养老金及现收现付个人所得税(Payroll -Super; PAYG withholding)
- 预付款(Prepayment)
- 库存/年末库存调整(Inventory Processing/Year End Stock Adjustment)
- 固定资产/折旧(Fixed Assets Register/Depreciation)
- 权责发生制(Accruals)
- 利润表分析(P&L Analysis)
- 成本中心分析(Cost Centre Analysis)
- 资产负债表对账(Balance Sheet Reconciliations -GL Rec's)
- 其他会计软件Xero, SAP(Accounting System: Xero, SAP)
- 个人退税及公司退税(Individual Tax Return & Company Tax Return)
Platinum Accounting 帮助实习生成功就业的秘诀
- 自身的实际操作和工作能力
- 提供实际的工作经验
- 专业的简历和面试辅导
- 业内专家推荐
1.   便利的地理位置
我们离 BrisbaneCity Myer Centre 只有2分钟步行距离。可以为你节省交通时间。
2.   灵活的实习时间
3.   侧重实际操作
整个实习完全以CorporateAccounting Department的实际操作为基础,采用真实公司的真实帐目进行培训。从最简单的记帐, 到大中型公司的Month End Reporting再到上司公司的Budgeting,Forecasting, Cash Flow Analysis, Consolidation。适合各种水平和背景的人士。你所得到的是现今澳洲企业会计实际操作的第一手信息。
4.   完善的服务

如果您想尽快进入会计职业并找到一份满意的工作, 就马上申请我们的会计实习吧。请发送您的简历至 [email protected] 或致电咨询 07 3210 0037.

更多信息,请登录公司网站 http://www.platinumaccg.com.au

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回复置顶码: 480880

philwan 发表于 2014-5-2 23:33:06
 楼主| platinum 发表于 2014-5-13 12:23:36
Dear  Everyone,

Hope you enjoyed your Easter break.

We have some good news for everyone. Christina, one of our Brisbane interns, got a position in an energy company as an Assistant Accountant. She finished Level 1 and Interview Training.

Especially after the Interview training, she received plenty of valuable advice from our Senior Accountant.  Two weeks later, she landed this position. She is so hard-working and never gave up trying in her job hunting journey. As written in her email below, being perseverant is one of her secrets to success in securing this position.

Job hunting is sometimes similar to walking in a tunnel, sometimes you feel lonely and hopeless. But, there is no need to worry, we will help you there and walk with you through the whole way. There is light at the end. Hang in there and you will make it!

Hi Sally,

I'm not sure if I can write a lot for the interview feedback as every interviewer asks different questions. It all depends on the nature of companies and job descriptions. (big companies and small ones are completely different). The interviewers most likely will ask questions pertaining to the job descriptions. What I suggest people do is know the job ad really well, and try to work out what kind of questions they might ask. For example, if the job description asks for a candidate with a high attention to detail, then you would think they might ask questions like 'tell me an example when you showed high attention to detail.

Next, your resume is very important. It's the first and foremost stage in your job-searching process. I found Jeff's interview sessions very helpful. During the first session, he spent the entire session on crafting an resume that fits well with the Platinum training modules.

Lastly, just keep trying and never give up. Learn from your unsuccessful interviews. I know someone who has attended almost 20 interviews and finally landed an assistant accountant role. I really admire her determination and persistence. Also, there is no right or wrong interviews. If they don't like you it doesn't mean you are not good enough. It's just you are not suited for the role, and you don't want to work for a role you are not suited for right?


 楼主| platinum 发表于 2014-5-19 09:06:22
Congratulations on Kat's Bookkeeper's Position - Platinum Accounting
Dear Everyone,

Please join me in congratulating Kat's new Part-time Bookkeeper's position.

Her employer even cancelled two other interviewee appointments and decided to hire her straight away after her Interview session. It looks like Kat indeed learnt a lot from our Interview Guidance session.

She is still a 3rd year Uni Student, therefore, she preferred this Part-time Position to cope with her Uni Study. She is one of our typical early-bird interns who joined our Level 1 Accounting Training & Internship Program in her 2nd year Uni Study. Now she has already got hired in her 3rd year. Therefore, even before she steps out of Uni, she will already have secured one year working experience and she can start to apply for more senior positions after her graduation.

If you are still in University, please don't hesitate anymore, start to polish your technical skills now and also try to start your Internship Working Experience as early as possible.

Time is not waiting, early birds get more opportunities, and that is the truth.

Be active, Be positive & Be smart!

From: Kat [mailto:k**@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 18 April 2014 7:47 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: My interview process

Dear Yolanda,

During the interview, the interviewer asked me the following questions: (I cannot remember the original words, but I tried to pick up the main points and the procedures)

1. What’s your accounting backgrounds/qualifications/ what can you do?
I told him that I worked in Platinum Accounting, and showed him my resume and cover letter.
2. He went through my resume roughly, and pointed on my cover letter and asked me what are those points
From what I can remember, this is the biggest part.
Coz in my reference letter, it is mentioned
AP/AR, Bank reconciliation, FAR, Monthly repayment adjustments, Accruals, Cost center reporting
P/L, General ledger reconciliation, BAS and GST
AP,AR are fairly easy, and general ledger reconciliation are things like bank reconciliation. FAR I did try to explain it in a more detailed way, because seems like they have very litter fixed assets. In addition, he focused on cost center more, because he said he never heard about that before.
I answered accordingly.
3. He asked me on experiences in Platinum, what kind of businesses do we do, what jobs do we do
I said we deal with clients data, such as in internship 3, clients only have data entry in Spreedsheet, we need to enter them into MYOB.
4. He said his accountant will do BAS for his business, and the main software he used was Excel, later on, he wants to switch to Xero.
I said I had experiences in using Xero and Sassu (in internship 6)
5. He also asked me what’s my religion
6. He also asked me what questions do I have.
I asked that, did he keep business/personal records separately= loan from/to director
And I also suggested that small business can lodge BAS in quarterly basis, but make payment annually.

As it is a small business (he only has one employee, but many contractors), he did not give me a really formal interview I think. It was more like an introduction about his business and some chit-chat as well.

Hope this helps.
 楼主| platinum 发表于 2014-5-27 13:17:31
Hi Everyone,

Please join me in congratulating Emma's new position as a Graduate Accountant in a commercial company!! Emma enrolled into our Level 1 program and successfully finished all the training and internship. Based on her feedback, what she learnt during the Level 1 program was very beneficial for her. Please read through her detailed interview feedback below.

From: ld <*******@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 25 May 2014 09:27:51 +0000
To: Zhu Sally <[email protected]>
Subject: success in interview


How are you?

Thank for helping me get the position of graduate accountant assistant. After I am the position, I found the activity I have done in Platinum Accounting was very useful for my job.

The interview was including general questions and academic questions.

General questions I was asked are: 1, talk about yourself to us. 2, have you met some successful moment in your past position? 3, what do you think you can do for our company? 4, what is your future plan? 5, how fast is it when you pick up new program. 6, what is your weakness? 6,what will you do when you learn new things?

Academic questions are:1, make a transaction when you paid cash to purchase a motor vehicle. 2, what's the transaction when the motor vehicle depreciation exp collected at the end of year? 3, do you know how to use vlook-up and pvtable function? 4,how  good are you using excel?

I was asked lots of questions as you can see. The manager wants someone who has strong excel skill and strong basic accounting theory. And they also want you can take pressure and impress them that you have ability to improve yourself without supervision.

I hope my information could help a little bit and wish everyone has a good luck.


 楼主| platinum 发表于 2014-6-3 15:50:59
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 楼主| platinum 发表于 2014-6-3 15:52:21
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takeabow 发表于 2014-7-11 22:17:58
请问 可以 辅导cpa么
布村大闲人 发表于 2014-7-29 15:29:46
请问 如何收费?
 楼主| platinum 发表于 2014-7-30 10:51:39
本帖最后由 platinum 于 2014-9-2 16:22 编辑

商业咨询: ?. X" ?3 [8 ~6 l7 E
我们接触了不同的行业并且有很多成功经营的案例记录。如果你需要给你的生意寻找战略性的规划方案,我们能成为你的合伙人。我们能分析你的情况并且给你最好的建议。6 k! q7 e& W; l9 m# ?8 K8 k: r
会计记账- N4 M0 m/ D; C. O9 O
如果你的生意需要会计记账,我们也能帮助你。没有一个工作是不重要的。如果你也有很大的经营交易项,我们能给你提供优惠。' J0 y; Q+ ?" p! b) N
如果你想开始你的生意,但不确定如何来保护资产安全或者拥有权,或者想提高你的经营效率,也可以找我们。% T1 c" Q9 f' j2 R, |
公司秘书) M$ S+ J1 U: v4 j, s5 }( k/ m
会计软件( D' M$ E& x; X
如果你想提供你会计系统的效率,我们能根据你的需要建议你使用最优化的会计软件。我们推荐使用传统的软件如MYOB,Quickbooks甚至Sassu 和Xero。4 c0 `; m  H* D8 d( p
会计培训% }6 V+ N) |6 v3 c6 k- i1 }  R/ q
如果你想自己记账,我们也给中小型企业提供会计培训。除此之外,那些寻找会计工作的毕业生也是我们的服务对象。我们对不仅仅记账,而要有会计分析需求的初级会计提供帮助,帮助他们提升技能,晋升职位。; {# j: Q$ Y6 C. x5 Z



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