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University of Queensland 昆士兰大学概况









Rank: 35Rank: 35Rank: 35Rank: 35Rank: 35

﹎īναńсе 发表于 2009-2-17 12:58:32
5211 3


本帖最后由 CYL 于 2013-12-20 02:41 编辑


The University of Queensland (UQ) is one of Australia's premierlearning and research institutions. The University is a founding memberof the national Group of Eight, an alliance of research-strong, mostly "Sandstone universities"committed to ensuring that Australia has higher education institutionswhich are genuinely world class. It belongs also to the globalUniversitas 21 alliance. This group aims to enhance the quality ofuniversity outcomes through international benchmarking and a jointventure e-learning project with The Thomson Corporation.

UQ is Queensland's foremost university. In 1998–99 it was namedAustralia's University of the Year and it continues to enjoy thehighest overall rating for Queensland universities in the annual GoodUniversities Guide.

UQ remains the most successful Australian university in winning andbeing shortlisted for Australian Awards for University Teaching sincethey were established in 1997. On a variety of measures it is one ofthe top three or four research universities in the country.

UQ's strength in research is evident in the many joint andcollaborative research centres associated with the university. TheQueensland Bioscience Precinct on the St Lucia campus houses scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Institute for Molecular Biosciences to form one of the largest biomedical research clusters in Australia. In addition, UQ is involved in biomedical translational research at the Diamantina Institute for Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine (DI) and the University of Queensland Centre of Clinical Research (UQCCR).


According to The Times Higher-QS World University Rankings 2008, UQis the only Queensland university in the top 100 (ranked 43rd alongwith the National University of Singapore), and one of only nine Australian universities in the top 200.UQ moved from being the sixth-ranked Australian university in the 2006world rankings to become the fourth-ranked Australian university in2007.
The Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of WorldUniversities also placed UQ among the top five Australian universities.UQ was also listed at number 91 in a 2006 Newsweek ranking of theworld's top 100 universities, placing seventh among Australianuniversities after the Australian National University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, Monash University and University of Western Australia. These six higher ranking institutions together with UQ and the University of Adelaide also form the Group of Eight consortium, which consists of the top eight Australian research universities.
The University was independently ranked as one of Australia's bestuniversities in the 2007 edition of The Good Universities Guide;receiving a maximum five-star rating in six key performance indicators.These include student demand, positive graduate outcomes (reflectingboth graduate employment and going on to further study), staffqualifications, research grants, research intensivity and toughness toget in (specifically for the St Lucia campus).

Campus and Setting

St Lucia CampusUQ was established on 10 December 1909, with Sir William MacGregor as first chancellor (with Reginald Heber Roe as vice-chancellor) and was originally situated in Brisbane's downtown area. In 1927, the land on which the St Lucia campus is built was resumed by the Brisbane City Council using money donated by James O'Neil Mayne and his sister Mary Emelia Mayne to replace the less spacious city campus (now home to the Gardens Point campus of the Queensland University of Technology).
The University has its main campus in the suburb of St Lucia, in Brisbane. Its other campuses include Ipswich, Gatton, Herston, South Brisbane, Turbot Street and Moggill.
Situated on a peninsula of the Brisbane River, the university is reachable by road, CityCatferry, or bus and is seven kilometres from Brisbane's city centre. Atits centre is the heritage-listed Great Court — a large open areasurrounded by sandstone buildings with distinctive gargoyles.
The large campus of 274 acres (1.1 km2) also includes sportingfields, gardens, duckponds, and cycling tracks. The athletics centrefeatures 21 floodlit tennis courts and Olympic-standard swimming pool,a three-level gymnasium and a multi-purpose indoor centre.
The university is served by a CityCat wharf, two bus stations and is also served by the Eleanor Schonell Bridge providing pedestrian and bus access across the river to Dutton Park.

Gatton CampusLocated in Gatton, Queenslandabout 90km west of Brisbane on the Warrego Highway, UQ Gatton is hometo the university's Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture andVeterinary Science (NRAVS). UQ Gatton, formerly the QueenslandAgricultural College, was opened in 1897 as a combined agriculturalcollege and experimental farm. The QAC amalgamated with UQ in 1990. UQGatton is serviced by the UQ Gatton Student Association and remainsaffiliated with the UQ Student Union.
UQ Gatton offers courses in agriculture, animal science,environmental management, agronomy/agribusiness, equine studies,wildlife and bushland studies and other fields relating to natural andrural environments. Its facilities include over 1000 hectares ofagricultural land, extensive and intensive animal productionoperations, a recently redeveloped equine centre, and facilities forwildlife studies, as well as modern teaching facilities andlaboratories, and a branch of the UQ Library. Some of the original QACbuildings are still standing, such as the Foundation Building.

Ipswich CampusThe Ipswich campus, opened in 1999, after State and Federalgovernment backing is the newest campus, made up of nearly 20 buildingsand more than 4000 students on nearly 25ha. Courses offered include:arts, business and social sciences as well as Interaction design.
It is located near central Ipswich, Queensland, just south of the CBD. Nearby landmarks include Limestone Park, The Workshops Railway Museum and the RAAF Base Amberley. The actual site surrounds the Ipswich Showgrounds and is in turn, sided by a golf course.
The site dates back to 1878 with the opening of the Ipswich branchof the Woogaroo Lunatic Asylum. Operations continued until 1910 when itbecame the Ipswich Hospital for the Insane. In 1938 it was renamed theIpswich Mental Hospital and in 1964 it was renamed again as the IpswichSpecial Hospital. It was finally named the Challinor Centre in 1968 inhonour of Dr. Henry Challinor, the ships surgeon on the Fortitude. From1968 to 1997 the Challinor Centre served as an institution for peoplewith intellectual disabilities. In late 1997 the Challinor Centre began its final stage of evolution as the new UQ Ipswich campus.
This history is reflected today with 17 heritage listed buildingsthat have been refurbished into work spaces, computer laboratories andpublic spaces. Work is still underway refurbishing more buildings.

Other Facilities

The University of Queensland takes advantage of research andeducation facilities not attached directly to the three campuses. Theselocations are primarily for research which cannot be undertaken in thecampus locales but also represent buildings which establishedpre-eminence in education before the creation of the current campuses.
  • Turbot Street — Turbot Street is the University's dentistryeducation facility. It comprises two large buildings and one smallbuilding at the junction of Turbot and Albert Streets in the Brisbaneinner city area. The older of the two larger buildings is the formerBrisbane College of Dentistry which is connected via a second-storeywalkway to the newer building.
  • UQ Regiment Indooroopilly — A counterpart to the St Lucia Campus's Regiment in Indooroopilly.
  • Herston — Situated next to the hospital complex at Herston,UQ's School of Medicine occupies the Mayne Medical Building. Thelocation also accommodates UQ teaching facilities in and around thehospitals. The Queensland Institute of Medical Research also holdsstrong links to UQ.
  • Pinjarra Aquatic Research Station — On Moggil and Pinjarra Roads in Pinjarra Hills, Brisbane. The Aquatic Research Station investigates aquaculture and inland ecology.
  • Heron Island Research Station[1] Situated on Heron Island, 72km north-east of Gladstone, Queensland.Its primary use if for coral reef ecology research and teaching. Itconsists of over thirty buildings situated on a two hectare lease.
  • Moreton Bay Research Station and Study Centre[2]located on North Stradbroke Island, Moreton Bay Research Stationprovides the perfect base to research North Stradbroke Island's manyand varied ecosystems. The station is used for the many field tripsespecially for introductory marine environment subjects.

Research Centres

Notable research centres include:
  • NICTA — national information and communication technology research centre, co-supported by University of Queensland

Student Union

The UQ Unionis the incorporated representative body of the students at theUniversity. It provides services to students including representationto University and faculty committees, refectories and other cateringservices, a legal service, financial assistance, administrativecounseling and campus activities.

Organisational Structure

The University is organised into Faculties, Schools and Departments/Divisions.
  • Faculty of Arts (ARTS)
    • School of English, Media Studies & Art History (EMSAH)
    • School of History, Philosophy, Religion & Classics (HPRC)
    • School of Languages & Comparative Cultural Studies (SLCCS)
    • School of Music
  • Faculty of Science (Science)
    • School of Biomedical Sciences (SBMS)
      • Department of Anatomy & Developmental Biology
      • Department of Physiology & Pharmacology
    • School of Biology (SIB)
      • Department of Botany
      • Department of Zoology and Entomology
    • School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences (SCMS)
      • Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
      • Department of Chemistry
      • Department of Microbiology & Parasitology
    • School of Mathematics and Physics
      • Department of Mathematics
      • Department of Physics
    • School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management (GPEM)
    • School of Earth Sciences
  • Faculty of Business, Economics & Law (BEL)
    • School of Economics
    • School of Tourism
    • T.C. Beirne School of Law
    • UQ Business School
  • The Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)
    • School of Engineering (SOE)
      • Division of Chemical Engineering
      • Division of Civil Engineering
      • Division of Environmental Engineering
      • Division of Materials
      • Division of Mechanical Engineering
      • Division of Mechanical and Aeropace Engineering
      • Division of Mining and Minerals Process Engineering
      • Division of Mechatronic Engineering
    • School of Architecture
    • School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE)
      • Department of Electrical Engineering (EE)
      • Department of Systems Engineering
      • Department of Biomedical Engineering
      • Department of Computer Science
  • Faculty of Health Sciences (HEALTH)
    • School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS)
    • School of Human Movement Studies
    • School of Dentistry
    • School of Medicine (SoM)
    • School of Nursing and Midwifery
    • School of Pharmacy
    • School of Population Health
  • Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture & Veterinary Science (NRAVS)
    • School of Animal Studies
    • School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences (LCAFS)
    • School of Natural & Rural Systems Management (NRSM)
    • School of Veterinary Science
  • Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences (SBS)
    • School of Education
    • School of Journalism & Communication
    • School of Political Science & International Studies (POLSIS)
    • School of Psychology
    • School of Social Science
    • School of Social Work & Applied Human Sciences

Residential Colleges

The University of Queensland has 11 residential collegeswith 10 of these located on its St Lucia campus. Only three of thecolleges (Union College, International House and Women's College) haveno religious affiliation. The 11 colleges are:

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 楼主| ﹎īναńсе 发表于 2009-2-17 13:03:17
本帖最后由 CYL 于 2013-12-20 02:50 编辑

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 楼主| ﹎īναńсе 发表于 2009-2-17 13:04:51
本帖最后由 ﹎īναńсе 于 2009-2-17 13:05 编辑

    昆士兰大学(昆大)是昆士兰州的第一所综合型大学,始建于1910年,是澳大利亚最大最有声望的大学之一,也是昆士兰洲成立最早的大学。昆大是澳大利亚的八大名校所组成的Group of Eight之成员之一,其科学研究的经费及学术水平在澳大利亚的大学之中始终位居前三名,在学博士生的人数最多。


  文学院(Faculty of Arts)
  生物及化学院(Faculty of Biological & Chemical Sciences)
  商学、经济学及法学院(Faculty of Business, Economics & Law)
  工程学、物理学及建筑学院(Faculty of Engineering, Physical Sciences & Architecture)
  健康科学院(Faculty of Health Sciences)
  天然资源、农学及兽医学院(Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture & Veterinary Science)
  社会学及行为科学院(Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
  UQ分子生物科学研究所 Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
  澳洲生物工程及纳米科技研究所 Australian Institute for Bioengineering & Nanotechnology (AIBN)
  UQ永续发展矿业研究所 Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)
  昆士兰脑神经科学研究所 Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)



  昆士兰大学与世界17个国家多所大学的交流协议极大加强了其教育在国际上的地位,昆士兰大学和中国交往合作密切,在中国与辽宁工程技术大学在矿业方面拥有多年合作关系,由两校共同主办的“第三届现代采矿和安全技术国际学术会议”于2008年8月4日-6日在辽宁工程技术大学国际会议中心隆重召开。昆士兰大学1999年被罗特瑞基金会选为世界范围内8所大学在罗特瑞中心为解决和平与冲突问题而组成的研讨会成员之一。 图书馆与计算机资源
  作为一个获奖的多媒体图书馆,昆士兰大学的图书馆在昆士兰州是最大的。它在路西亚、加顿和爱普思维奇三个校园及布里斯班教学医院分布着13个分馆。从每一个分馆、或从家里及办公室的计算机上均可得到信息服务。图书馆提供一系列优良的设备和服务,包括目录、数千种电子刊物、250个网络数据库和总数为2 百多万种互联网资源。所有的资源通过图书馆的互联网时刻都可以得到。
xiahpan 发表于 2012-3-25 20:10:59
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