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    [汽车资讯] 通用关闭澳洲工厂后 霍顿将在中国制造

    reco 发表于 2013-12-19 11:41:19
    本帖最后由 reco 于 2013-12-19 11:45 编辑

    Sorry guys, can't type Chinese with work computer in the office.

    The Holden brand will be remained in Australian local market, as it is an Australian local brand. After the factory shuts down, those imported GM cars will still be sold in Australian with Holden bedge attached.

    Chevy and Buick brand had been marketed highly in China, that's why GM sales their cars in China in Chevy and Buick brand. The Buick Park Aveuine is actually Holden Statesman in Australia, rebedged in China as Buick brand. The same thing happens to Holden (Chevy in China) Viva, Cruze, Captiva and Epica but these cars are actually designed by Daewoo and in fact are Korean cars.


    参与人数 1金币 +6 收起 理由
    yangben168 + 6 热心回复!


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