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标题: 求助,有ACCT3101的同学么? [打印本页]

作者: 懒得说话    时间: 2009-10-2 16:14
标题: 求助,有ACCT3101的同学么?
本帖最后由 懒得说话 于 2009-10-2 16:40 编辑

这学期第九周 lecture 一开始,lecturer在黑板上写了一堆assignment expectations,那周我忘了带眼镜又是坐在后排,他字又写得很小,所以没能全部抄下来。本来以为会他会发到blackboard上,结果昨天找了很久也没找到。

作者: .Anndy    时间: 2009-10-7 22:28
Online assignment
1, answer each part separately
2. use ASAs for defination and
3. to express your option
4. no word limits, no referening required.

Part A: define audit planning, See ASA300
-        why is audit planning important?
-        If audit is not planned – potential problem?
a. work to be completed on time?
b. proper assignment of work to assistants
c. coordination of work
  * knowledge of clinet business – able to identify a/c bal. / tran.
  * understand client’s internal control system (IC)
  * discuess with mgt.
  * timing of physical stock taking
  *determine level of materiality
  *staff budget & resource allocation

Part B: 1) sale revenue    ↑sale, ↓profiit, why?
↓SP? favourable credit terms?
Economic factor    eg. Recrssion?
↑ O/H?
      2)no physical stock taking.  Any alternative
         Audit procedure? Mgt. Letter of rep=?
         Or CR↑--  more testing -- ↑cost
         Or qualified audit due to scope (limitation)
      3) legal claims by customers
        - get more evidence
        - how? Write to client’s lawyer
          * obtain their opinion outcome
          * need to disclose contingent liability
        - reliability of product – implication
          * unsaleable? – inventory valuation
                     -- provide more allowance for DD.?
       4) credit policy of marketing
         Favourable credit policy -- ↑bad debt
↑collection of AR
--  attention warranted?
       5) reason for dismissal? (explain why?)
         - misconduct, frauds
         - determine effect on financial statement
           Inexpenence CFO?

就due day了啊~
作者: 懒得说话    时间: 2009-10-8 19:03

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