Number 1: price: $ 40
International Management Behavior (3004IBA); author: Henry W. Lane; Martha L. Maznevski; Joseph J. Distefano; Joerg Dietz
6th Edition
Note: I have made some notes in this book
Number 2: Price: $ 40
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (2201AFE); author: Ross; Thompson; Christensen; Westerfield; Jordan 4 edition
Number 3: Price: $ 70
Principles of Econometrics (3305AFE); author: R.Carter Hill; William E. Griffiths; Guay C Lim Third Edition
Number 4: Price: $ 70
Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions (3213HSL); author: George G. Fenich Third Edition(Number 5: Price: $30; Book Name:ANZ official History ) Tele: 0421961479