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    [其他] 澳国立毕业+做过Admissions Officer+资深留学移民顾问–有任何问题请问Justin Jiang

     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-6-15 13:30:02




    Change to the skilled migration pass mark

    15 Jun 2012

    The pass mark for points tested skilled migrants who complete an expression of interest (EOI) through SkillSelect will be lowered from 65 points to 60 points from July 1.

    The change applies to those who complete a SkillSelect EOI for one of the new points-based skilled migration visas (subclasses 189, 190 and 489).

    A Department of Immigration and Citizenship spokesman said the change to the pass mark was in the context of the series of reforms to the skilled migration program undertaken by the Australian Government since 2008.

    “These reforms have ensured the skilled migration program is a responsive and demand driven program,” the spokesman said. “The cornerstone of this migration reform package will be the introduction of SkillSelect from July 1.”

    SkillSelect is a new electronic service for managing the skilled migration program. Intending migrants without an employer sponsor wanting to live and work in Australia will need to complete an online EOI, then based on claims of their skills and attributes, will be allocated a score against the points test. SkillSelect will rank intending migrant’s scores against other EOIs.

    The highest ranking migrants across a broad range of occupations may be invited to apply for a skilled visa.

    “Delivery of a balanced migration program requires careful management,” the spokesman said. “SkillSelect will provide greater control over who can apply for a skilled visa and when they can apply.”

    The previous pass mark was appropriate in the context of the skilled migration reforms, with a greater emphasis on employer-sponsored skilled migration and managing a growing pipeline of unsponsored skilled migration applications.

    The revised pass mark will encourage a broader range of people with the skills and attributes needed in Australia to register their interest in migration.

    Media Enquiries: National Communications Branch 02 6264 2244

    bluegem 发表于 2012-6-16 11:24:18
    Hello I am just wondering if a master graduate student in Accounting can apply for the subclass 189. I am graduating at the end of this year and should be able to obtain 60 marks by that time. But just not quite sure what's the difference between 885 and 189 and which one I should apply. I will be very appreciated for your help. Sorry I couldn't type in Chinese now, you can answer my question in Chinese. Thanks very much :)
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-6-17 01:07:42
    189 visa is the one which would replace the old 885 visa system, in this case, 60 points is the pass mark, however, in order to secure a place, you may need to obtain as much points as you can. Current 885 pass mark is 65 points, so in this case, if you could obtain 65 points upon your graduation before 1 Jan 2013, this one would be the one most suitable for you as you do not need to apply EOI first, hope it help. Justin Jiang registered migration agent & qualified education consellor.
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-6-17 22:26:43
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-6-18 15:17:34
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-6-19 12:03:39

    Submitting Your Application

    Online Application:
    If using the online application you need to nominate an email address. This will be used to send you a document that you need to complete and sign. You then need to submit that completed document, along with copies of your nominated identity documents. To submit you may either:

    •Scan and email to [email protected]
    •Post to:
    Australian Federal Police,
    Criminal Records
    Locked Bag 8550

    这比早期只能通过纸递的方式来实现方便了不少,而且还省了邮寄费。申请费为42 澳元。如下所示!
    The fees for National Police Checks and related services are:

    $42.00 for each National Police Check application from a government department or an individual.
    $42.00 for each National Police Check application from a non-government organisation (eg: commercial entities like brokers, migration agents etc)
    $139.00 for a fingerprint and National Police Check application, where fingerprints are taken and processed by the AFP.
    $99.00 for a fingerprint and National Police Check application where fingerprints are supplied to the AFP on application

    全文网址链接如下:http://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do ... -police-checks.aspx

     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-6-20 21:45:07
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-6-21 12:19:28


    官方发文链接如下: http://www.immi.gov.au/students/student-visa-living-costs.htm


    Student Visa Living Costs and Evidence of Funds
    International students are required to demonstrate and/or declare that they have genuine access to sufficient funds to be granted a Student visa. Applicants may have to demonstrate sufficient funds to cover these expenses for the first one or two years in Australia, depending on their assessment level.
    See: Student Visa Assessment Levels

    This helps to ensure students are better able to make the most of their studies and have a safe and enjoyable experience in Australia. Funds should be sufficient to contribute to the cost of travel, tuition, school costs of any dependents, and living costs.

    The financial requirements per year outlined in the tables below apply from 1 July 2012.

    Expenses Per Person Amount required in AUD
    Travel Applicant Return air fare to Australia
    Family members One return air fare to Australia per person
    Tuition Applicant Course fees
    children aged 5-18 AUD8000 per year
    Living Applicant AUD18 610 per year
    Partner AUD6515 per year
    First child AUD3720 per year
    Each other child AUD2790 per year

    Student Guardians
    Expenses Per Person Amount required in AUD
    Travel Applicant Return air fare to Australia
    Children aged under 6 years of age One return air fare to Australia per person
    Living Applicant AUD18 610 per year
    First child aged under 6 AUD3720 per year
    Each other child aged under 6  AUD2790 per year
    jun616477059 发表于 2012-6-23 13:40:56
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-6-26 12:12:02
    jun616477059 发表于 2012-6-23 13:40
    您好,我想请问一下,移民局官网上说现在的独立技术移民签证189从今年的7月1号开始只要60分就行而不是65,但 ...

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